25 November 2008

Hello world

Long long ago, someone wrote "Hello World" program using the C language, no one had ever expected that the tradition of saying hello to whole world would catch up so fast, and so religiously that even after decades of programming and sophisticated computing systems available, the first thing anyone would want to do with that system will be to say - Hello world.

Keeping in pace with the same tradition, I also felt like saying hello to this whole world of computer enthusiasts and programmers/students in specific.

Well, to introduce myself - I am actually a no-one in this huge world of software, and when I began working as a software engineer I had a self doubt that why would anyone ever pay me for writing codes. But things have changes since then, and actually someone is paying me writing the same (although, I still remain to be no-one in this software world).

My work has offered me enough opportunity to explore the possibilities with C programming and its affiliates - Unix and Linux. I am not a guru of these three close associates, but then I all I say is that if you are looking for some excitement in the field of programming using these three tools, then I can assure you that I could be of some help to you all. Especially for students, I guess if nothing more then I can still help you get the edge over the others.

I am open to answer all your questions and answers related to C, Unix, and Linux but I can't assure that I will be able to answer those questions with-in a given time-limit. So, in case, there is no hurry for you to get the answers then please feel free to drop your questions to me at my personal email ID (sarsij.nayanam@gmail.com) and in the comments section of this page.

Hope we will enjoy the journey with C-Unix-Linux.

Thanks & Regards

Sarsij Nayanam

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